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Top 5 Most Downloaded Apps

The usage of applications is now becoming increasingly frequent. We all have noticed that we always go for the free apps rather than the paid ones, why? They are free! Also, why spend money on something when you can actually get it for free? So here are some of those apps that are free and very useful. Have a look at these 5 most downloaded apps and give them a try.… Continue

Top Successful Free Apps to Download

Which smartphone are you using presently? Is it an Android phone like Samsung Galaxy series or an iPhone? Whatever you use, you definitely look for apps which you download at free of cost and which also cater several of your needs. For example, having a road map app can save you from getting lost in thecompletely new city. So, here are some top successful free apps which you can download to your smartphone to make those the smartest.… Continue

Tips on Writing Mobile Apps

With the growing development of mobile apps, writing mobile application has become one of the most wanted things in the present programming world. Mobile apps are mainly written on two platforms for two types of smartphones- the Android ones and the iPhones. Even if you are not a programmer, you can write mobile apps with these following tips. Go along and know well-

Know Your Phone Well

Obviously, you need a smartphone, to begin with.… Continue

Top 5 Highest-Earning Apps

Whenever you download any apps to your smartphone, have you ever thought how many money the Google Play Store or Apple App Store make every month? You can’t even imagine the amount. Everyday people download apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, and numerous gaming apps continuously on their phone. So, instead of making any idea of the profit of these apps stores, you can take a look at the apps that earns maximum money for the stores.… Continue

The Era of Mobile Apps

If you are using asmart phone, you definitely know about the popular mobile apps available on your phone. If you have Android phone, you can download apps from Google Play Store while Apple App Store is there to help you download suitable apps for iPhones. From gaming apps to cooking apps, you can get a little world in your hand through these apps.… Continue