Top 5 Android Apps and Their Earnings

Many of the apps can be downloaded to the mobile phone through the play store. Sometimes useful apps aren’t available – for example these that make you aware of fake driving instructors. Anyway, many of the free applications which can be downloaded through play store and among them some of the apps are mentioned below which makes much of the earnings:
Instagram is an app which people especially young ones are using very frequently these days. In this app, we can upload videos, pictures, and daily stories. This app is very easy to use. Plus we can follow our favorite stars to see what is going in their life. We can also follow different pages of a brand to know what is in fashion and what is not. This app is secure and private, only those people can see our posts to who we allow to see. Total earnings of instagram in 2016 was about $3.2 billion.
Snap chat
This app is used widely, on the snap chat we can capture our daily life’s events, pictures and much more and can share it with the friends in our friend list so that they can also see. Plus in this app, we get very cute and amazing filters like dog filter, giraffe filter, crown filter and much more. Not only we can take pictures, we can also chat with our friends and can send them our videos and pictures in private message. Snap chat will reach almost $1 billion in 2017.
Calls Blacklist
We all want to get rid of the calls of unknown people and their messages who keep on disturbing us and bother us. So here is a solution. Calls Blacklist is an app which is totally free to use. In this app, we can add numbers and can block their calls and messages. Not only unknown people disturb us, sometimes our friends also bother us so we can also block their number temporarily and yes the best part is that we can get to know by going in the log that who have messaged or called us. $5k is monthly revenue of this android app.
Every one of us wants to have different and attractive wallpapers in our mobile phone through which our mobile’s home screen and the background looks attractive. Online wallpapers are bit difficult to find. Here is a solution we can have any type of wallpapers and yes ringtones also in our mobiles through this app. We can also select our favorite notification sound through this app. Quarter year earnings of zedge in 2016 was about $3.2 million.
True caller
This app acts like a detective for us. If someone tries to call us and disturbs us and don’t tell who he is. We can now get to know who tries to bother us without letting that person know. We can know the name of the person by simply putting the number in this app. True caller is earning around $100M.

There was a time when mobile phones had a very limited use and the entertainment generation from the use of mobile phones was negligible but these facts have witnessed drastically changing figures since the last few decades. As of now, mobile phones have developed themselves into an undeniable necessity.